People often ask how I got into photography. And honestly, I have to say that I never "got into" it. Photography has been a part of my life since I was born. And I really can't imagine my life without a camera. See, my mom was one of those "momtogs". She wasn't trying to be a professional but she was a great photojournalist. She simply wanted to capture the memories of her family in our everyday life. But as an awkward, scrawny girl with oversized glasses, I didn't always appreciate being the one in front of the camera. And I must confess that I was not always cooperative.
However, when my mom first handed over her beloved camera to me, it felt like I had entered a completely different world. I am a person who is easily distracted. My focus can jump from one thing to the next in a split second without losing stride. This can be a blessing or a curse depending on the situation. There are times when I actually have to stop and retrace my steps to figure out how I got from one subject to the next. But when I first put my eye to the viewfinder of that camera, all the distraction, all of the noise and commotion around me somehow subsided. My focus was purely on what I saw through that little square. It was like someone had put blinders on me.
And it continues to be this way still. Anytime that I have a camera in my hand, all of the chaos whether in my own head or the environment around me suddenly abates. A peace and calm envelops me as my attention is narrowed to only what I can find through the eye of my camera. I may not be the most talented or technically accurate photographer but for this very reason the camera has been a part of my entire life. And I have my mom to thank for narrowing my focus.
Kristina Schneider